giving worship2

There are so many ways to give: First we need to give God our heart--our very self.  Then we can offer our time, talents and treasures.  We are glad you feel led to give to support the work of God's Kingdom through West End Baptist Church.  You can help us avoid a transaction fee by mailing a check to the church at:

West End Baptist Church
6506 Boydton Plank Road
North Dinwiddie, VA 23803

Your gift will support, local ministries, sharing the gospel with people everywhere, and meeting needs in this difficult time.  Your generosity is a blessing and we are grateful for your contribution.  Click on the button below if you prefer to proceed with your gift through PayPal using your account or the financial card of your choice.  You can also use one of the menu items on the left to learn more about our church and ministries.

